
gosh, christmas spirit is so lovely. I feel kinda estranged from it while I'm at work, and I miss it.

(I'm listening to christmas songs on my iPod while I'm working, and chewing peppermint gum, pretending it's a candycane, and that my vanilla hand lotion is actually baked goods)

You've got garlic in your soul, mr grinch

you have termites in your smile

you're a foul one, mr grinch

your heart is filled with unwashed socks.

I picked my favorite lyrics from the song I'm listening to. :D Cool music, non?
I dress like a slob half the time, possibly more, and the rest of the time barely average, with half done makeup and messy hair.
So probably nobody knows how much I adore fashion. Like, with all my heart. I love clothes, and I love Vouge magazine and high fashion.
And yet, still continue to dress horribly while internally wishing I had on 6 inch stilletos instead of ripped fake converse.
So, as new years is coming up, I've decided my resolution will be to dress the way I want to, instead of being to shy to stand out, and to spend more time on my appearance.
What's your new years resolution?

Novel, End of Depression and Deep Theological Questioning

lalallalalal, I'm writing a novel.

So far, only ten pages. And because I KNOW ZeReHeaWo has like, 25, that's sad.

But I don't even care!

You know why?


Well, it's because it WORKED.

The painting thing. Seriously. I'm over him, I'm over him, I'm over him -tapdance-.

Unfortuanately, no one reads this anymore, so I'll go shuffle into a corner, and like, sit.

And maybe write FIFTEEN PAGES In the next three hours.

Actually, that sounds feisable....

Okay, I have enough inspiration for like, three-four more pages. Hopefully.

But after that, there's a scene in a really trippy meadow where Raidon explains some things, and Kalle starts to find him SUPER SMEXY and then trips and dies.

Or that's what will happen if I don't get some inspiratiiiiion.


That's okay, Hopefully my sister will come on the computer, and I can ask her to tell me what is on the nextpage of my.... scrapbook paper.


And I suppose if that doesn't happen, I can always draw a map, or do some background stuff. Then I'll publish that as an ENCYCLOPEDIA.

Yes! Brilliant!

JKR took YEARS to publish an encyclopedia for harry potter, and it's not even out yet! I will TRUMP. Like donald. without the wig.

And I have dinner, a snack, and a bottle of OJ. Now, what order should I eat them in...?

I totally screwed myself over today. Last night, I was out, so I had my wallet in my purse.
But this morning I didn't put it back.

And I didn't pack myself any extra food, because I was going to buy some.

And my UPass was in it.

And I have to bus home today, as my parents are at a play in metro van.

So, let's do the math.

After all these events have happened, I will be a) starving b) penniless c) on the side of the road with no ride home. And I didn't charge my cell phone enough, so I might not even be able to call for help.

My only hope is that after I get to the bus depot from uni, that the bus driver will take pity on me.

But if they don't...? I'm fuuuuuuuucked.


As most of the people following my blog know, I have a bit of an issue with being sad. Like, all the time. Yeppers. Some people would call that depression, but I'm not going that far yet.

But, just in case, I decided to research how some other people get rid of sadness without ever you know... telling their parents. And there was some stuff about dark chocolate, lots of light, happy music, flowers and etc.

So I'm leaving the screamo gothic music behind, getting rid of my shrines to weirdness in my room.

And I'm finally ditching the beige.

That's right, my walls will no longer be the colour of pale oatmeal.

Instead, they are going to be a very happy burnt orange-yellow. With a lavender ceiling.

And because I have this thing with doors (I'd rather explain in person than on a blog where all people can see my fuckedupness), I'm getting rid of my closet door, and instead there will be happy curtains.

And there will be mirrors and overflowing crystal vases reflecting light from the window and the multitudes of lamps that will be in there. I want to put lamps all through the room, so maybe there won't be shadows anymore.

I'm even contemplating deleting all the Wednesday 13, Circle Takes The Square, You Me At Six from my iPod. Maybe even my beloved Emilie Autumn.

I mean, last time the doctors made me take a test on depression, I lied on every question. It'd be weird to go back in there and be like "I know you thought I was better, but I really just wanted to be left alone, so I cheated."

They wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't be happy.

Therefore, best answer is happy music and bright lights.



throw away the jello, throw away the pain, throw away the memories of any sort of shame.

throw away the children, throw away the veins, throw away the connection that once could make you plain.

No, don't eat that casserole... It's not yours.

So I'm at work, hiding in my cubical of I'm-a-cool-mutant-princess-ness, listening to a very interesting combination of 3OH!3 and T. Swift, jamming with my ham sangie and some Draco/Ginny fics of cuteness.

Generally, I prefer Hermione/Draco, but hey, I'm open to alternatives. I have a massive crush on Draco though. Not in the movies, Tom whatever didn't exactly developed into a heartthrob. But in the books, with his all black clothes, white blond hair and his angel of death appearance.... Drool. Expecially because he can be a good guy, he's just twisted by his family and stupid ol' Voldie.

:D Lurve.

I wish I didn't have a facebook profile. Isn't that bizzare? But I really dislike facebook at the moment, and I'd rather become invisable to all of our old high school friends.

I'm thinking of running a marathon. Just to say I did it. I'm signing up for a running program with my Daddy in the spring, and will hopefully start running on my own starting... well, yesterday. Anyone interested in running ever so often with me?

I don't have the swine flu anymore. And I'm pretty sure it was what I had, because 80-90% of the flus that are happenin' at the mo are H1N1. I didn't grow a curly tail, but all other evidence points towards the flu o' pork.

This post is so random. I need more of a focus.

There's a play going on tonight, where the homeless dwell. I'm skipping out of math early, and skeedaddleing quickly to it, where I'll catch up with the english class of epicamazinggoodness, to meet Talie and Talie2 before the show which starts later than one would think.

And then the play should be decently lengthy, which puts us at a time that when we're wandering the streets and taking trains in the sky, there will be gang murderings and druggy overdoses all around us.

I'm glad I've got Talie, her asian side will whip out some ass kicking kung-foo-casserole for the crims stalking us. She's like Jakie Chan mixed with Jet Lee, I'm practically as safe as the presidents daughter with her around.

Even with my brawny bodyguard, I'm still a little freaked at skytraining at 11pm. It's when the world starts to get angsty. Shiver me timbers.

But we'll tape our ID to the inside of our shoes, and carry less than two dollars with us, and keep anything shiny out of view, so the magpie-wannabes won't get the urge to purge us of our metallic goods. Safe as a bumblebee inside a buttercup made of bubblewrap and kevlar.

Gosh. I have to leave in like, an hour. But I'm so bored, I can't even function enough to write a gramatically perfect sentance.

Tonight your ghost will ask my ghost, "who put these bodies between us?"

Just... random. Well, lyrics from a song, but has nothing to do with anything. I think it's cute though. Metric has clever lyrics.

Almost as clever as my blog post titles. Mhmmm. (No, not Mmmm. There's an H in it. Dirty girl)

Oh. I just remembered about stuff, and stress hit me like a truck. I erased it quickly, but now I guess I have to make a plan. I mean, the stress might be gone, but it's alerted me to several problems with my life I should organize.

I dislike problems. They're so problematic.

I will be in acess to my e-mail until 1:00pm, then not until super late tonight. And I have no texting ability, as Liffie has been eaten by a bus, after saving her multiple times from the jaws of malls and park benches. This is the thanks I get.

Also, who's birthday is on friday? MINE IS. Happy eighteenth to myself :)

Gosh, I'm young. Dislike.

But hey, I won't be a minor anymore... :D

feeling good

I feel just like my faded jeans too, miss genius. Feeling good is easy when you sing the blues. And feeling good is good enough for me.

I reread some of my older posts, and I was just a more interesting person back then. My life had more dynamic, involved more people, less secrets. I was weirder, even though I felt as bland as oatmeal. I wonder if I'm gradually becoming less and less of who I want to be. That would be so suckish. If this is growing up, I change my mind. I want immortality after all, sorry for throwing it away when I had the chance. I want it now.

I am going to the shower, as it is midnight, and I'm as tired as a wheat thin. A week of busyness follows, and I know I can handle it all, but I realized it's not the question of whether I can get ages of studying and writing done, but whether I can make sure that this, although busy, is a week not wasted. A week where I can stand at the end and look back, and know that it was a time good enough to be my last.

If there is one invention that humans have created, that I wish could be abolished, it would be stress. No other species has it, only humans, and I believe that is our greatest downfall.

But it's midnight, and I'm rambling. Lets save the phil talk for later.

Just shower, meds and sleep for me tonight.


Y'all don't be jealous or nothin', but lookie here at my newfound superpower!

Yes, that IS a ponytail.

Mwahahahahhhaha. It's wunderifferous!

And ignore the disproportion of my head vs body... I look like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, if you've seen the illustrated version. I don't know how it happened, but I'm ignoring that as a possible superpower, and instead saying it was camera angle.


It will be a vacation from the real world that I do not wish to repeat.

Anyways. That's all I had to say.



Guess what everybody!

No. Bad guess. Shut up now, please.

Anyways, remember how long I've tried to knit? (Like, AGES: you're supposed to shout)

Last night, I was moaning to one of my mother's friends (who is also my friend, long story) about how I tried to knit when I was twelve, and am now attempting again, with absolutely no success. And then she asked me to grab my knitting needles, and some old yarn.

And then she preformed magic on my brain.

sixty third post :o

There's a sign above my head that says "Quiet Please Study Are" And then beside the Are, someone wrote "a" in crayon. Just... random.

I have class at ten thirty, and oh my, it's nine forty!

that's five zero minutes to waste, in case you can't count that high. I was watching a bit of Glee yesterday, the one called Acafellas, or whatever. The screwed up asian man was like "I can't count past thirty".

I enjoyed that. I also enjoyed watching the man with no thumbs eat the cake that was shaped like a thumbs up, but every much looked like genetaila after he finished his attempt at eating. Never cut your thumbs off guys, it looks terrible.

So, I could do something fun: like play a computer game, or write, but they seem too personal to do when anyone could walk by and I'd be humiliated. Actually, this entire floor to the library (there's seven floors, and god do I love it) is pretty much deserted, except for one other person, who I can hear their footsteps occasionally, and they seem to have a cold, as there's been several sniffles, and one cough.

I could also do something like homework, but ... really? I'm not doing homework when it's far too early in the morning to even keep my eyes open or spell correctly.

So, instead I will... CUSTOMIZE MY GOOGLE.

Yes! Yes! It's brilliant!

Talie did it, and it looks cooler than a cucumber. I want it.

-edited out-

One month to my birthday. And then I'll be eighteen, and as fly as a kite.


So, I'm off to be cool. Custom google, here I come.

Three Hundred Pound Facemaster: The Movie

I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

ie: I have way too much spare time.

MJPazing is one attractive dude.
-edited outtttt-

I edited that rap! Now it's ballin'-er.

Be jealous. And read it again, tell me if you like it bettaaaah :D


do you like my witty titles?

they used to make sense, but recently they're too witty to make sense. Shame on their wittyness. will they ever learn?

Work tonight :) It used to be a sad smile, but now I'm excited to -edited out-

Mwahah! It's the perfect yet mildly evil plan! I shall also make good pizza. Good pizza with good stuff on top.

Oh, on a sad note of sadness and family strife, my uncle was in a motercycle accident. Thankfully his wife is a nurse, and he's all good now, although his ribs are smushed unto his belly. But no lung puncturation, no sir!

He will live, and I am happy for that.

onto happiness!~ I was so monsterous this morning. I woke up an hour before I had to go, thanks to a text from ZeReHeaWo, and then fell back asleep, until I had to go in four minutes. Four minutes!

So yeah, suffice to say, no shower, no makeup, no contacts, and when Tallie saw me, she phoned me and said "Oh my god, what the hell are you wearing!"

What an enjoyable day. Enjoyable, I say!

Work, then school, then work again, and I shall be home and ready to partay at eight thirty, hopefully.

If I'm home before that, it means they sent me home early for some unknown reason. If it's later than that, it means my legs are dislocated.

Ah, now going to a family friend's after work.

I'll tell you guys how it goess. later. And my cool kid neighbour is listening to 3OH!3 way too loudly. Because that's what cool kids do, whuuut?!!

Agh. Have to leave in half hour, and must look quite close to perfect to make certain someones love me further :)

Peace, chicolitas!

Rappin' with my ho-mies

lemmie just scratch this rhyme down on this dirty ol mime, when you think you're so hot you make my junk want to drop, cause your dropping it, fumbling like a foot ball game, and girl you cause me physical pain, and your moving so much the floor trembles from your touch, you're like three hundred pounds, girl, and half of it's your lunch, and when your sweat stops drippin' and begins to pour, oh baby, that's when you know that you're my whore

-- MJPazing "My Three Hundred Pound Facemaster"


Edited to make the rhyme better :)


Had to delete, because I love you. :)

I'm emptying my blog of all incriminating things. So that I can feel free to talk about it without being all "OH SHIT, now they'll see that thing that I don't want them to see...
it looks like blue diamonds

or sapphires.

but squishy.

I adore it.

I'm having one every single day.

I'm eating it. It's so cool.

All the other kids stare cause they're jealous.

I'm in a corner. Like cool people, whuuut!!1!11!!!

I am sitting in a corner. Eating a sandwich, out of my wrapper, because I'd rather be thought a germaphobe than a gross hand-eater. And I feel really silly.


Because, I'm at university, and everyone else is either doing similar things, or sleeping.

I'm going to throw out my nasty, cheesy, drooly saranwrap now...

Haha, I wrote that, then I did it, then I felt like I loser again. I wish it wouldn't be weird for me to laugh out loud. It's okay when you're with other people, even if they're not talking about anything funny, but when you're by yourself, it's quite odd to laugh randomlike.

Yay! Tallie signed on msn so I'm not a freak.

Except she's failing at talking to me. YAY. She's responding again.

I think it will allllll be okay. I have FORTY FIVE minutes left to eat three cookies. But I'm quite thirsty.

I'm scoping around for a drink dispenser type thing, but there seems to be little liquids in my general area.

If this goes on for too long.... I'll have to use my razor sharp claws to rip open the sleeping people's bladders, to drink their urine, and finally satiate my thirst.

But that's just a last resort.

New Hair

Yeah, so I got it cut like... a month(?) ago. And I planned to post a pic, but then I didn't...

So I am today!

A pic of my new faaaahbulous hair. Except. Cough.

Aren't I loversly?

Lunch Break

I'm on my lunch break at work, and I was scouting around the internet, looking up the definition of crunk, and how to knit house elf hats, and then I found my way here!

And then I remembered my password. It's great, I now have access back to my blog, hurrah!

So, I chopped all my hair off scince the last time I've written here, and I'll have to post a pic later. I also got a tattoo of a naked man rubbing himself on my calf, but I won't put pictures of that up here, as it is inappropriate.


I've also gotten a new job, so I'll be going to university full time with two jobs :) It makes me feel like a pro person, although I'll quit this one in a few monthes. Then just school and the pizzaria. Not as intense, but most likely easier.

My wisdom teeth are almost completly grown in on the bottom, but don't even seem to exist on the top. I need to see the dentist soon.

Oh yes, my life is so interesting. You guys missed mucho of me talking about all this important stuff while I had forgotten my password.

Okay, well I should get back to pretending to work. The slacking wont do itself (sadly).

Ahh, three hours before I get to make my escape. I think I shall stay on my lunch break for another twenty minutes, calling in a half hour break when it's really more like an hour. I'm such a rebel.

May karma bring you pleasent things.

Distress and faildom

I've figured out my courses for first semester, seems pretty good, but I'm failing at everything else. I promised Tallie I'd comment, and I didn't, I told myself I'd spend free time studying so I can finally get my L, but free time is non existent, I wanted to finish my Encounters chapter and start a new SP one, but again with the free time. I wanted to go to bed at a reasonable time, but it's now 11:30 and I need a shower still.
I have so much to do, I can't even remember it all. I need to get organized, and stay that way.

I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you guys with my fail-ness.


Here is my personality guys. I enjoy internet tests, even when they paralyze me with the fear of being insane.

What is with the low confidence though? I seriously  need to fix that.

Trust in others 
Attention to style 


So, guys. Sorry to tell you this, but I'm insane. Insane in the membrane. It's proven.
I took an internet test.

Paranoid:Moderatemore info | forum
Schizoid:Lowmore info | forum
Schizotypal:Moderatemore info | forum
Antisocial:Highmore info | forum
Borderline:Very Highmore info | forum
Histrionic:Highmore info | forum
Narcissistic:Highmore info | forum
Avoidant:Very Highmore info | forum
Dependent:Highmore info | forum
Obsessive-Compulsive:Highmore info | forum

You know what that means?

It means I am: Impulsive, irresponsible, I disregard other's feelings, I get angry, depressed, and anxious for no reason, I have low self esteem, I hurt myself, I have unstable relationships, I'm overly dramatic, easily influenced, need to be the center of attention, I exaggerate, I feel the need for praise all the time, I take advantage of people, I feel important, I'm obsessed with fantasies, I have a lack of empathy, I lie to myself, and to others, I am obsessed with beauty, I'm afraid of rejection, I feel inept, I appear self-absorbed, I create fantasy lives, I can't make decisions, I feel helpless when I'm alone, I feel depressed and suicidal when rejected, I'm submissive, I get hurt by criticism and disapproval, I cannot meet the ordinary demands of life, and I become obsessive over things.

Is it just me, or is all of those symptoms just me. It's like my complete personality, wrapped up in psychosis.

Does that mean that who I appear to be, is just many mental disorders, not really me?

Or does that mean that I just have an insane personality?

I need help.

The little things you have to type in to post a comment disturb me.
I had one that said "Catskin" and it made me sad.

Then the one after it was "burpa"

Like, wtf.



(I texted him)

Life's been fine.

(he hasn't responded)

I'm leaving tomorrow.

(I don't know why)

I'm looking forward to it, I guess.

(Did his phone die?)

Not for the long drive with my daddy and grandma and Pete, because they're all insane.

(Does he hate me?)

At least I'll have ritz crackers with cheese thanks to ZeReHeaWo =)

(I don't understand)

And cranberry juice, all to myself.

(I don't know what to do)

And A's commencement should be shorter than ours!

(Try again?)

But just as much fun afterwards, I hope.

(Give up?)

And I'll be back in time for TMB.

(Be patient?)

Which will be AMAZING.

(I'm just waiting)

We still haven't figured out where to have it though.

(I stopped checking my phone every minute)

My house will be less awkward for Kim

(I feel really upset about this)

But N's house is part of our rituals.

(I'm waiting)

And it won't be too awkward, probably.

(Just waiting)

You choose, people.

(Tell me what to do)

N's house or mine?

(I don't know what to do)

My Experiment

I've been alone a lot recently. And even when I'm with people, I'm not really there. Family and their friends move around like water, but I'm vinyl. Impervious.

And I miss you guys. But I don't feel lonely, as I wander by myself. I have you in my heart, and take you with me everywhere I go.

I forgot I was alone today, as I wandered through the mall for a couple hours, and then bussed to library, and walked back. I was out of the house from 10:30 to 4:00, and I never felt truly alone once.

I miss him a lot too. It's not a very pleasant place in my mind right now.
I'm worried about whether this will get better or worse after Sunday.

I also thought about taking anti-depressants.

We'll see what happens to my mental state of mind after Sunday. If it gets worse, I might ask.

Oh, to be in grade 12 again.

Life was more complicated, more tedious, more depressing, and more fast-paced.

The days were like hours.

Now they're like a lifespan. Each day to be born, then to die. To grow up, and mature. To experience childish delight newly every day.

They drag on with their beautiful boredom, the boredom itself throwing rainbows like crystals, illuminating the dark, and filling my day with a melancholy tranquil.

It is nearly midnight, and my bones are filling with liquid. My hands are bronzed and wrinkled from the light of the computer screen, and I can feel my joints aching.

I am headed into the shower, then off to die again.

Tomorrows life will be less eventful, I hope.

I need to calm myself.

Prepare for Sunday.

Because, what happens then decides my fate.

No joke.

Life is officially... over?

High school.

Is over.


I think I might die.

I've gathered the important things.



An adventure or two.

A new way of living.

Realizations of the past.

I feel clearer now.

Maybe not better

but clean, different.


We'll see how long this feeling of rebirth lasts.

And zomg. Love him times a million.

I can't fathom sleeping.

It's not late enough to sleep yet, but I just can't think about getting ready for bed at all, not even at the moment.

Rest escapes my wide open eyes.

My mind's not working.

I need today to end, but still more to do.

Highonlife? Or just sad.

I'm feeling insane.

Lets get married.

Chapters Fail

I went to Chapters yesterday, and epic failed.
I mean, I had a WILL OF STEEL. But it rusted.

I was going to go in, get Alice In Wonderland, then leave, without being seduced into buying more books.


I found "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" and was mega happy, as it came with "Through The Looking Glass". Then I was wandering around, and found a whole section of books for vegetarian cooking.

And I was like "Veritable vegetables Batman! I need me some recipes!"

Then I found the "Color of Magic", and my pants melted off in my mad dash to grab the ONLY copy off the shelf.

And THEN (I know, I have no will power),  I found the sale table!

I found a "How to Read a Novel" book, and popped a book on good karma on my pile for good measure. I mean, 5 bucks for a book on karma? What a steal!

I almost bought a book on baby names, and another on how to be relaxed. But I went internal barbarian, and forced myself to stop.

Life is exciting.

I'm so interesting.

I made hashbrowns from the recipe book, I attempted to read the Karma book, but it was making me sad, I've read half of the "Color Of Magic", and I haven't even taken the other two out of the bag.



Little Spazz

Hmm. Going to work?

I wonder if this will actually work.

If it does, I'll probably delete it.

But wouldn't it be fun to have random video blogs too? I would love to see your guys' pretty faces when we're all separated :)

And I'm sorry that I'm such a freak. Most screwed up video.

Tell me how it worked on the comments!
If it takes forever to load, or something, I'd love to know so I don't do it often slash at all.

Love you all!


gosh, i fail

A bulimic girll !!

Alas, she is stolen, by Maggie.

But don't forget her!


I forgot :)

There is one scene, set at sunrise, where everyone is needed.
I'll need you guys at like, 4:30 am, because the sun rises early in the summer :)


List of characters: (don't judge!)

A girlfriend abused by her boyfriend.
A girl who becomes pregnant.
A ballet dancer.
A girl pressured into drugs.
A girl pressuring said girl into drugs.

A boy who comes out of the closet.
A boy who is gay-boy's best friend.
The boyfriend who abuses his girlfriend.
The boy who gets a girl pregnant.

Now, if you choose to do one, I'll send you an in depth analysis of their character. None of these guys are very ... fun to portray. You will not all be filming at the same time, the people are in pairs, or by themselves. I can film each segment in about a day, although the abuse one might take two.

Oh, in the end, they all die. But the only one's you see dead is the abuse girl, and the pregnant girl. The rest symbolically die.
And only sign for the ballerina if you are very good. She doesn't have any lines, she's just a symbol.

Sign up, peopless.

Forever and ever :)



I love you. All of you. I swear. I'M SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN POSTING.

'Specially you, CeeHearts. Tallie. :)
Crappp quality. Because I stole it via e-mail, from my daddy. I have a few more, but they're similar to everyone elses. So, I don't think I need to do anything with them, like send them to Tallie.

So, what is up, homeslices? Not much? Me neither.
I mean, seven freaking days of school left. SEVEN DAYS. How the beep did that happen?
It's slightly nauseating.
I need ACTORS.
It's just going to be an artistic indepentant film, so no, you don't get paid.
And it will probably never become seen by most people.
We'll see what we can do with it though.
It's highly inapropriate.
By the way.
I need five girls and four boys to be the main people. And one of the girls has to be a semi-good ballet dancer.
And two of the boys have to be gay, or pretend to be, at least :)
It'll be harder to get the boys than the girls, although I think I've got one already. He doesn't know it yet, but he was in Tallie's and my canterbury movie, so he should be fine with it.
Um, I'm going to type up the movie right now. If you're interestedd, I'll send it to you.
It doesn't have a script, I don't work like that.
Just a plot. A plot plot plot.
The theme?
You want the theme?
Well, it's two things. It's potraying some of the things that happen to people our age, and I also want to show how damaged, broken beauty is more beautiful than purity, and how people can forget themselves, and their souls.
It'll make sense after.


Soooo. I got my prom makeup done, as a super practice thing.
Oh, you want to see it?
I knew you would, what with my GORGEOUSNESS and all.


If you are wondering why I am not looking at the camera, it's because when my face is turned towards it, I look like this:

Yeah, be jealous.

But not really.

At all.


Dinner time, suckas! Go eat a fetus, you baby-eaters.
Yes, I just called you Irish.
I went there.


I learned that word from someone who's angry with me... -melancholy sigh-

I will not be posting proper posts on the blog for two weeks, until school is out, chicas! I will post small bits here and there, but not every day, unless I become accustomed to not sleeping.

I will also not be on facebook or msn or anything like that. I will keep myself off and away from the computer at all times.

1) Oh, and I found your goddamned cell phone charger.

2) And I'm probably not going to Quest.

3) And I'm sorry, I really am.

4) And I think you're supa kewl too, love bug.

See if you can match who you are to who I'm talking about.


Lots of lurve..



This is difficult. Because someone is mad at me. And I'm hoping she'll read this, and cease to be angry. But I don't want to say too much, because that may or may not be why she's mad at me in the first place..
First of all. I understand where you're coming from. And I'm sorry, I really am. I never thought it would affect you like this. I never, ever want to hurt your feelings.
Second, I can't fix it. Not really. I will not do it again, but I can't fix what I already did.. I wish I could though.


I wonder if this is all about this particular incident, or if there's more. I almost hope that there's more you haven't told me, so I have the opportunity to fix other mistakes.

Grad is so very close. And I want to make peace with you. I want you to forgive me, so we can put the hurt behind us.
I don't know how upset you are about this, but it's really making me depressed. I can't feel happy knowing that you're angry. I can't look forward to everything coming up when I feel like you hate me, even a little bit.

I want to talk to you, the next chance we get. I'll bug you about this tomorrow, I promise.
But it usually works when you get a chance to tell me all your feelings over msn or on the phone. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by talking at school. 

I won't be on msn tonight. Sleep deprivation and all.
Tomorrow, okay?

But please treat me nice.
I'm hurting just as much as you.

Lets please not turn this into another breakup.
Our group can't handle the damage.


Like a famous person once said in a famous quotation; "Joanna's behind the hotel. And, m'dear? Fetch me my slippers"
Recognize it?
I'm going to drop it in every conversation I ever have.
And Zhe Fratellis sex up my world.

So, if you've got a spare hour, listen to them. It's impossible to stop.
Love times a million.

I do enjoy teas.
Flavored teas, the best.
Tea party?

Or we can do a strip tease in Leigh's Square, but that might get us arrested like Serena.
Hardcore GG reference right there.
Hard. Core.

I'm nude, again, fyi.
I  don't fit into any of my clothes, seeing as I've eaten the majority of an italian village. Slash a large milkshake.

Tomorrow, I'm going on a long car ride with my mother, who doesn't like me much at the moment.
And I will eat my weight in bubblegum, and water, savoring the lack of calories, and ignoring the grumbly tummy. For that milkshake had thousands of calories.
Even stevens, kaykay?

I'm still sad.
Sad like a fish without it's father.

lettuce bee friends :)

Oh, the causualties that happen when you pretend to be stone.

So, over the weekend, I'm going to spend a lot of time inside my head.
And hopefully I'll fix all my personality issues.
And come back perfect, and not all screwed up.

Although, I enjoy some bits of the screwed upness.
Liiiike. Adrenaline. I like being addicted to adrenaline.
It makes my heart beat faster, and it makes all the sad feelings go away.

And I like my emoness, to an extent.

Maybe I could just fix a few things.
Like my ability to speak without thinking.
And my inability to come on time to school.
And my obsession with him.

Maybe they wont go away though.
Maybe they're ingrained in my soul.

But I hope not.


I'm off to read "The Undomestic Goddess"
Talie, if you haven't read that yet, I should lend it to you.
It's lovely :)


Enjoy life without me, people.
I'm living in a cave, my family and myself for company.

Am I a good liar?
Because I didn't think so.
But someone said I was.

I don't know.
It confuses me.

Prolly better if I don't tell untruths, and instead to have faerie blood in me veins.
'Cos they can't lie.


Lovee. me.

Today's A Lemon Day.

Congrat's all, it's me again. Terra, bitch.
Life is hating me again. The only good thing about my day was that I may have gotten lovely aviator sunglasses, that are super duper epic. Ooh. Picture app....

Wow. that's weird.

Because I love you all.

In fact. I feel like getting married. Anyone up for it?

Uh oh. My badassbritneyspears song ended.
So I'm not nearly as hardcore right now.

Sooo fail.

-Changes song-

Thank goodness and all that jazz for Cobra Starship, who I can never quite stop worshipping.

So. Everyone's hating on me today. Not just one, or even two people. More like five.
Far too many for my own sanity.

In fact.

I might go off and be insane, and not in a cool way. More like a, spoon licking, over using of the tear ducts, hand glued to a remote control type of insane.

I'm practically just living from day to day. It's not that much fun. But the future is dark, ominous, and empty.
Not so much fun to focus on.
Sadly, when it gets to this point of depression, I cheer myself up by saying "You'll see him tomorrow."
I might. I'm sad.
Phoning people is distressing.
But I might do it anyways.

Computer isn't personal, it's all business.

Now I go, still an epic fail, still depressed, and still hated by all the people that matter.
Sooo.... Fuck my life.

At least my sunglasses are cool.
And I might see him tomorrow...
(Oh god, I'm pathetic)


Here We Go Again.

After fun, there's this low. You know what I'm talking about, right? After something with friends, and everyone's laughing, and having a good time, and then all of a sudden, you're home alone, parents out, cell phones off, no one to talk to, nobody to stave off the complete and utter loneliness.
And there's one person that I didn't want to be without. I thought I would be okay this weekend. I deluded myself into thinking that it was getting better, not worse. I told myself that this weekend was going to be fine, and I wouldn't miss him at all. Then I missed the after school talking bit. And I pretty much crumbled.
Being around people made me less depressed. But everything I did was to impress him, even though he wasn't there. I was constantly looking around for him, hoping to see him, when I knew he wasn't there.
When I walked into my empty home, the last thing I wanted to do was to be alone with myself.
I didn't want to feel this hopeless pain, a feeling that never quite goes away.  I wanted distraction, something to make me forget, even if just for a moment.
I turned around, and left again.

I wanted to go somewhere near a road, in case he drove by, I wanted to be in the light, so he could see me. I wanted to be somewhere where he could join me.
I chose to sit at the very top of the slide at the elementary school playground. I faced the road, turned on the creepiest music I owned, and waited for someone, who was not going to come.
A man and his dog came to see me, and tried to get me to come down, but I pretended I couldn't hear them. I turned my music up loud, and texted, trying to enjoy the feeling of adrenaline that the night air and the scary music, and the possible danger of a man who most likely thought I was suicidal.
The man left, and I was alone, again, with the ache, and the sadness, and the cold.
If it wasn't so damn cold, I'd probably be there right now.

I stood to leave, and then it happened again. But better.
It was a van. His van.
Right model, right color, right license plate.

It was him.

Again, my body responded before my mind did, and I broke into a run, trying to follow. I realized as I grabbed my cell phone, as to keep it from falling, like it did the time before, just how pathetic I was.
I followed him to a four way stop, and lost him again. The same four way stop that I lost the other van before.
Red lights blinked in the distance, and my feet started to walk after them, but I stopped myself. The streets were black, with slight orange glow every couple blocks. If I followed, I would be in the dark most of the time. 
I was so empty, desperate shards of hope all I had.
I thought about the three days I had before me, stretched long with wasted time and being alone.
I thought about following the van down the road, into the unknown blackness, at nearly ten at night.
I wondered what would happen if I managed to follow him, stalking him to his house, watching him leave his car, enter into the building. I'd probably wait a moment, to see if he would come out again, knowing that he wouldn't. I'd memorize his address, and probably go there every day, all weekend.
I wondered what would happen if I went home, sinking into my black hole. I pictured sitting down at my computer, trying to cheer myself up with happy music, and pretending to be a complete person.
I chose to go home, because of the dark. I told myself, as a proper mother should, that it was too dark to chase after ghosts. That it was late, and I needed to get myself in a warm place.
And so I followed my own advice, and went home unwillingly, wishing I had chosen the other option the whole way home.

The cold and the dark didn't raise my adrenaline anymore. I was completely empty, no high from the night could help.

I made it home alive, if that's what you're wondering. I ran the last bit home, and checked my e-mail to see if he sent anything (He never has).

I'm so screwed up.

Another three days until I can be at school again, another weekend down the drain. Another week of hopes, and disappointment. Then another weekend of complete depression.

When I was so depressed last friday, I felt like life was coming to an end. I changed my facebook status to say I was having a mid life crisis. That's what it felt like.
High school is my life. And it is almost ending, killing me. He is my life, and soon I will never see him again.

Yesterday, over facebook, he said to me "LOL at your status".

It was about him.

He asked me if I was planning on dying at 30. And I can't even imagine living at thirty.

His status was saying he had gotten into the university of his choice.

His life is moving onward. Mine is hanging by a thread.

Three days. And then everything resumes.

And I am Officially Creepy

So, I'm scary. I maybe follow people. And stalk them. And spend excessive amounts of time in their general presence, pretending not to see them, when i am only there for them, and I know they can see me, and they don't talk to me for some reason. A) I'm scary, and I scare them. 2) They were intimidated by my group of one other person I was standing with III) They were indifferent, and just didn't care.

Six reasons why my life sucks.
1) I am breaking out like Sirius from Azkaban.
2) My feet hurt.
3) I just maybe was called names by someone that everyone knows who I am talking about, hopefully. And I'm not sure what that means.
4) I have this weird daydream that involves coats, that is NEVER going to come true.
5) I got 63% on my Biology midterm.
And the most important reason:
6) I just realized how creepy I am.

But, to even out my self confidence...

Six reasons why my life doesn't suck so much.
1) I have a box of chocolates in my room.
2) I have TWO gay pride bracelets.
3) Joaqui's hair is my new obsession.
4) I just talked to someone on facebook, and although I was called something I didn't know what it meant, it was cute-ish.
5) I am going to have a shower, and I might eat aforementioned chocolates in there, possibly with manga.
And the top reason why my life doesn't suck?
6) He said he has a poem to show me in class tomorrow.

So yeah. Pretty even stuff, eh? But not really.

I'm pathetic.

Please give me things so that I do not turn to dust. Like, a flower. Or invitingmeandhimtosomeeventthatwouldnotbecreppybutwouldallowustohangoutinanonschoolenviromenteventhough heispregnantwithyourFASchild. -coughAshleyycough-


Off to the shower I go.

or as some people call it...



Vanilla Coffee Times Two

Shiver me timbers. I was planning on going to bed early, so my eyes wouldn't be bloodshot and druggy-like tomorrow, when I wear contacts. And then I realized that I had a coffee at five, when I was watching pre-recorded gossip girl, and gasping at tow weeks ago's exploits. And I just finished my second one, which was, sadly, better, from Timmies, after wandering the streets, people creeping with Maggie.
So, sleep?
Don't think so. I am going to have a relaxing bath time, and try to make myself tired, so I can be in bed before midnight.
When I was at Timmies, we ran into two people that I knew. One of which wouldn't find the fact that I had my hair in Sailor Moon buns, had a gift wrap ribbon wrapped around my head, and had dandelion fluff embedded in my hair as very odd for my persona, and one that possibly might, and also might possibly pass it on to someone who I don't want to think of me as that type of weird.
If that makes sense.

I'm starting to not look towards this summer with dread. It's not changing, I am just becoming slowly less attached to school, and trying to be optimistic.
Actually, maybe my progress is lacking, because just talking about the end of school is making my cry a little bit.
I don't want it to end...
Grade 12 was okay, but the three years before it were amazing, and letting it all go, for an indeterminable future is not one of my strong suits. -bursts into tears-
Wouldn't it be nice if we al moved on to the rest of our lives, but together? I don't mind changing schools, but there's some people I love and never want to let go of, and there's others that I wish I had more time to get to know them.
Just one more year of the same people, and the same places, and I think I could do all I need to do. Telling them what I really feel, and not being afraid to say something that may come back to haunt me.
Everything is ending, ending, ending. And the moments that are wasted become so precious, and the moments that are not are far too few. 

In short, life sucks.
I think I'm going to go shave my head.

God, How Much Can One Person Fail?

So. I finally made it home, worn out from plant shopping, guitar lessons, school, and all the little things, and I was starving.
Then I realized that my mom had bought FABRIC. And I was so excited, (because I've become newly obsessed with making clothes, never done it before in my life) and I made this absolutely HIDEOUS pink and green plaid pleated skirt with a vecro do-up, made with old material, for practice. I figured it was enough practice, I was pretty much pro now, I could move on to making something out of the real fabric, drawing the patterns myself, adding all sorts of detail, and ect. Plus, the skirt took my about 45 minutes, and it was easy, even though it was damn ugly and not big enough for a new born baby.
I JUST finished. It's 11 'o clock, and I've been working on this for about... six hours. well, one for the skirt, the rest for the dress I made.
So, it's better. It's not good. I'm not wearing it out in public. Maybe on top of a bathing suit or something. But it's not.... appropriate.
So, I have to go now :) Off to possibly EAT something, because I haven't eaten since I stole two chips lovingly from Ashleyy apres ecole.
And I should study for the bio midterm tomorrow. I mean, 15 minutes of study time should be good. It won't be that hard.
It's only a midterm for gosh sakes.
Maybe I wont study at all. Like, I need to shower...

I'm ashamed at how much I fail.

Oh, I just made a wish.
It's 11:11.
I fail even more now.

Love you all!

So Much For Sleeping In

It's only 8:50, but nobody is awake here... And I thought I was waking up late when I set my alarm for 8:30. I was like "Everyone should be awake, and then I can shower quickly, and be ready for the day by 9:15, when everyone else would be ready."
I'll pop in the shower, but I doubt everyone will be ready. My sanity is loose when it's 2 in the morning, and I can't sleep for the life of me.
This morning will be my catch up time. Folding laundry, cleaning cages, ect. Then I'll read Pepys, and then forget about the biology test completely.
It will be great.


Sometimes the better things are, the harder it is to recover when they're over. Weekends are a tragedy to me. Days wasted, time spent not with him. The better the last day of the week is, the harder the weekend is to live through.
Days keep slipping by, marked only by memories of him. If something doesn't happen soon, I'm going to explode. And it really seemed like something was on the verge of happening.

He asked me how I was, and I said I was good. He rocked nervously back and forwardth on his heels, and I smiled up at him. "How will you be tomorrow?" he asked quickly, his words blending together. My pulse doubled. I ineloquently said "What..?"
He said it again, alternating looking at my face and the cement beneath us. He apologized for wording the question oddly, and I said it was fine, and I would be probably just as good tomorrow. Lies. I have serious depression problems on weekends.
The conversation dropped, and he left after a few minutes of talking about what we were doing on the weekend; his full of parties, mine... not.
And my stomach plummeted when I realized that there were still two and a half days until I could see him again. Days empty, no matter what I do.

Schools ending soon. Our time will run out. And then I will have the rest of my life to live, without him.

And I don't know if I can survive that.

I don't know if I can get over this.

Chilling In The Library

So our secret lives are no longer quite so secret. We are in the library, Ashleyy and me. And maybe, possibly, we are sitting side by side, writing posts. And maybe, possibly, kinda, Ashleyy's football lover creeped on our blogs. And now my internal thoughts are published to the whole world.
And I need to write. I need to write a new chapter, some more poetry, and a good blog post. And then I need to read. I need to read Pepys and the end of my manga book.
I need a life. Soon I will be the blank to someones blank, and maybe I will see the love of my life soon.
Ashleyy is dragging me away. School work calls her, it repulses me.

My Second Lover

I have a secret to tell you all. I'm secretly emo/gothic/suicidal/a closet necrophiliac girl. If you enjoy that part of me, I have a second blog started, where all my depressive, woe-is-me type poetry goes. Yes... it's mostly based on real life. Highly exaggerated though.
And here is another secret. I want to write a damn good steamy sex scene. I want the ability, I don't want to like, keep it in my room or something. I just want to be able to not blush whenever I write the word "groan". Awkward, right?
Also, I have this epic plan where I am going to make money on the side by selling to romance novel companies. It's like, 500 bucks a book. I could do one every month, and it would perfectly supplement a part time job during university. Yes, I know that plan is severely flawed. But it is my dream, don't crush it!
I should go shower, and read Fushigi Yûgi (which is so cute, I recommend it, even though it's so superficial) and then sleep.
But sleep is so boring. And my time is running out.
And I have all these wonderful books! I have five manga books, four of them shôjo, and one action (I'm practicing my asian-ness, even though I'm whiter than wonder bread) and many other fabulous poetry books, as well as a step by step guide to writing romance!!! Epic sex scene, here I come!
That sounded weird.