Vanilla Coffee Times Two

Shiver me timbers. I was planning on going to bed early, so my eyes wouldn't be bloodshot and druggy-like tomorrow, when I wear contacts. And then I realized that I had a coffee at five, when I was watching pre-recorded gossip girl, and gasping at tow weeks ago's exploits. And I just finished my second one, which was, sadly, better, from Timmies, after wandering the streets, people creeping with Maggie.
So, sleep?
Don't think so. I am going to have a relaxing bath time, and try to make myself tired, so I can be in bed before midnight.
When I was at Timmies, we ran into two people that I knew. One of which wouldn't find the fact that I had my hair in Sailor Moon buns, had a gift wrap ribbon wrapped around my head, and had dandelion fluff embedded in my hair as very odd for my persona, and one that possibly might, and also might possibly pass it on to someone who I don't want to think of me as that type of weird.
If that makes sense.

I'm starting to not look towards this summer with dread. It's not changing, I am just becoming slowly less attached to school, and trying to be optimistic.
Actually, maybe my progress is lacking, because just talking about the end of school is making my cry a little bit.
I don't want it to end...
Grade 12 was okay, but the three years before it were amazing, and letting it all go, for an indeterminable future is not one of my strong suits. -bursts into tears-
Wouldn't it be nice if we al moved on to the rest of our lives, but together? I don't mind changing schools, but there's some people I love and never want to let go of, and there's others that I wish I had more time to get to know them.
Just one more year of the same people, and the same places, and I think I could do all I need to do. Telling them what I really feel, and not being afraid to say something that may come back to haunt me.
Everything is ending, ending, ending. And the moments that are wasted become so precious, and the moments that are not are far too few. 

In short, life sucks.
I think I'm going to go shave my head.

3 Response to "Vanilla Coffee Times Two"

  1. Natalie Says:

    dont pull a britney spears!!
    and id just like to point out "shiver me timbers"
    what a great statement;)
    welcome to the darkside luke!!:D im so excited to see you wear them tomorrow! just bring a contact casey thing just in case??
    and after re reading that thing about running into people, it does make sense.. ohh and ahh!
    life does suck. but no britney spears moments for you, instead just grow out your leg hair in protest, its a lot less permanent like and its still just as impactfully crazy.
    i mean, hey, imagine walking down the street with carpets on your legs!

  2. Maggie Says:

    I knoww -sniffles- the end is too soon. 21 more school days.

    I stayed up SO late after the fabulous english toffee coffee -giggles- it rhymes! I did my history homework, and I could hardly read it this morning because it was uber-messy from my hands shaking. GO CAFFINE, GO! -woot-!

    Life sucks, people move apart, but there's always the next fantasic, exciting and EPIC adventure to move on to.

  3. Kate Says:

    Yeah! Hair leg growth!!!! :) Best suggestion evaaar. Aww, little awesome Jazzy. We'll stick together after. Promise! I'll stalk you... and your blog! You should get that Skype thing, eh, Tallie? :D It was cool, the like... 2 times I've signed on.
    See you tomorrow, my gorgeous contact wearer!

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