Chapters Fail

I went to Chapters yesterday, and epic failed.
I mean, I had a WILL OF STEEL. But it rusted.

I was going to go in, get Alice In Wonderland, then leave, without being seduced into buying more books.


I found "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" and was mega happy, as it came with "Through The Looking Glass". Then I was wandering around, and found a whole section of books for vegetarian cooking.

And I was like "Veritable vegetables Batman! I need me some recipes!"

Then I found the "Color of Magic", and my pants melted off in my mad dash to grab the ONLY copy off the shelf.

And THEN (I know, I have no will power),  I found the sale table!

I found a "How to Read a Novel" book, and popped a book on good karma on my pile for good measure. I mean, 5 bucks for a book on karma? What a steal!

I almost bought a book on baby names, and another on how to be relaxed. But I went internal barbarian, and forced myself to stop.

Life is exciting.

I'm so interesting.

I made hashbrowns from the recipe book, I attempted to read the Karma book, but it was making me sad, I've read half of the "Color Of Magic", and I haven't even taken the other two out of the bag.



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