
As most of the people following my blog know, I have a bit of an issue with being sad. Like, all the time. Yeppers. Some people would call that depression, but I'm not going that far yet.

But, just in case, I decided to research how some other people get rid of sadness without ever you know... telling their parents. And there was some stuff about dark chocolate, lots of light, happy music, flowers and etc.

So I'm leaving the screamo gothic music behind, getting rid of my shrines to weirdness in my room.

And I'm finally ditching the beige.

That's right, my walls will no longer be the colour of pale oatmeal.

Instead, they are going to be a very happy burnt orange-yellow. With a lavender ceiling.

And because I have this thing with doors (I'd rather explain in person than on a blog where all people can see my fuckedupness), I'm getting rid of my closet door, and instead there will be happy curtains.

And there will be mirrors and overflowing crystal vases reflecting light from the window and the multitudes of lamps that will be in there. I want to put lamps all through the room, so maybe there won't be shadows anymore.

I'm even contemplating deleting all the Wednesday 13, Circle Takes The Square, You Me At Six from my iPod. Maybe even my beloved Emilie Autumn.

I mean, last time the doctors made me take a test on depression, I lied on every question. It'd be weird to go back in there and be like "I know you thought I was better, but I really just wanted to be left alone, so I cheated."

They wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't be happy.

Therefore, best answer is happy music and bright lights.


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