
do you like my witty titles?

they used to make sense, but recently they're too witty to make sense. Shame on their wittyness. will they ever learn?

Work tonight :) It used to be a sad smile, but now I'm excited to -edited out-

Mwahah! It's the perfect yet mildly evil plan! I shall also make good pizza. Good pizza with good stuff on top.

Oh, on a sad note of sadness and family strife, my uncle was in a motercycle accident. Thankfully his wife is a nurse, and he's all good now, although his ribs are smushed unto his belly. But no lung puncturation, no sir!

He will live, and I am happy for that.

onto happiness!~ I was so monsterous this morning. I woke up an hour before I had to go, thanks to a text from ZeReHeaWo, and then fell back asleep, until I had to go in four minutes. Four minutes!

So yeah, suffice to say, no shower, no makeup, no contacts, and when Tallie saw me, she phoned me and said "Oh my god, what the hell are you wearing!"

What an enjoyable day. Enjoyable, I say!

Work, then school, then work again, and I shall be home and ready to partay at eight thirty, hopefully.

If I'm home before that, it means they sent me home early for some unknown reason. If it's later than that, it means my legs are dislocated.

Ah, now going to a family friend's after work.

I'll tell you guys how it goess. later. And my cool kid neighbour is listening to 3OH!3 way too loudly. Because that's what cool kids do, whuuut?!!

Agh. Have to leave in half hour, and must look quite close to perfect to make certain someones love me further :)

Peace, chicolitas!

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