I'm in a corner. Like cool people, whuuut!!1!11!!!

I am sitting in a corner. Eating a sandwich, out of my wrapper, because I'd rather be thought a germaphobe than a gross hand-eater. And I feel really silly.


Because, I'm at university, and everyone else is either doing similar things, or sleeping.

I'm going to throw out my nasty, cheesy, drooly saranwrap now...

Haha, I wrote that, then I did it, then I felt like I loser again. I wish it wouldn't be weird for me to laugh out loud. It's okay when you're with other people, even if they're not talking about anything funny, but when you're by yourself, it's quite odd to laugh randomlike.

Yay! Tallie signed on msn so I'm not a freak.

Except she's failing at talking to me. YAY. She's responding again.

I think it will allllll be okay. I have FORTY FIVE minutes left to eat three cookies. But I'm quite thirsty.

I'm scoping around for a drink dispenser type thing, but there seems to be little liquids in my general area.

If this goes on for too long.... I'll have to use my razor sharp claws to rip open the sleeping people's bladders, to drink their urine, and finally satiate my thirst.

But that's just a last resort.

1 Response to "I'm in a corner. Like cool people, whuuut!!1!11!!!"

  1. Natalie Says:

    lovely images.
    and thats the best way to eat.. using sandwhich wrappers:)

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