
Guess what everybody!

No. Bad guess. Shut up now, please.

Anyways, remember how long I've tried to knit? (Like, AGES: you're supposed to shout)

Last night, I was moaning to one of my mother's friends (who is also my friend, long story) about how I tried to knit when I was twelve, and am now attempting again, with absolutely no success. And then she asked me to grab my knitting needles, and some old yarn.

And then she preformed magic on my brain.

sixty third post :o

There's a sign above my head that says "Quiet Please Study Are" And then beside the Are, someone wrote "a" in crayon. Just... random.

I have class at ten thirty, and oh my, it's nine forty!

that's five zero minutes to waste, in case you can't count that high. I was watching a bit of Glee yesterday, the one called Acafellas, or whatever. The screwed up asian man was like "I can't count past thirty".

I enjoyed that. I also enjoyed watching the man with no thumbs eat the cake that was shaped like a thumbs up, but every much looked like genetaila after he finished his attempt at eating. Never cut your thumbs off guys, it looks terrible.

So, I could do something fun: like play a computer game, or write, but they seem too personal to do when anyone could walk by and I'd be humiliated. Actually, this entire floor to the library (there's seven floors, and god do I love it) is pretty much deserted, except for one other person, who I can hear their footsteps occasionally, and they seem to have a cold, as there's been several sniffles, and one cough.

I could also do something like homework, but ... really? I'm not doing homework when it's far too early in the morning to even keep my eyes open or spell correctly.

So, instead I will... CUSTOMIZE MY GOOGLE.

Yes! Yes! It's brilliant!

Talie did it, and it looks cooler than a cucumber. I want it.

-edited out-

One month to my birthday. And then I'll be eighteen, and as fly as a kite.


So, I'm off to be cool. Custom google, here I come.

Three Hundred Pound Facemaster: The Movie

I think that pretty much speaks for itself.

ie: I have way too much spare time.

MJPazing is one attractive dude.
-edited outtttt-

I edited that rap! Now it's ballin'-er.

Be jealous. And read it again, tell me if you like it bettaaaah :D


do you like my witty titles?

they used to make sense, but recently they're too witty to make sense. Shame on their wittyness. will they ever learn?

Work tonight :) It used to be a sad smile, but now I'm excited to -edited out-

Mwahah! It's the perfect yet mildly evil plan! I shall also make good pizza. Good pizza with good stuff on top.

Oh, on a sad note of sadness and family strife, my uncle was in a motercycle accident. Thankfully his wife is a nurse, and he's all good now, although his ribs are smushed unto his belly. But no lung puncturation, no sir!

He will live, and I am happy for that.

onto happiness!~ I was so monsterous this morning. I woke up an hour before I had to go, thanks to a text from ZeReHeaWo, and then fell back asleep, until I had to go in four minutes. Four minutes!

So yeah, suffice to say, no shower, no makeup, no contacts, and when Tallie saw me, she phoned me and said "Oh my god, what the hell are you wearing!"

What an enjoyable day. Enjoyable, I say!

Work, then school, then work again, and I shall be home and ready to partay at eight thirty, hopefully.

If I'm home before that, it means they sent me home early for some unknown reason. If it's later than that, it means my legs are dislocated.

Ah, now going to a family friend's after work.

I'll tell you guys how it goess. later. And my cool kid neighbour is listening to 3OH!3 way too loudly. Because that's what cool kids do, whuuut?!!

Agh. Have to leave in half hour, and must look quite close to perfect to make certain someones love me further :)

Peace, chicolitas!

Rappin' with my ho-mies

lemmie just scratch this rhyme down on this dirty ol mime, when you think you're so hot you make my junk want to drop, cause your dropping it, fumbling like a foot ball game, and girl you cause me physical pain, and your moving so much the floor trembles from your touch, you're like three hundred pounds, girl, and half of it's your lunch, and when your sweat stops drippin' and begins to pour, oh baby, that's when you know that you're my whore

-- MJPazing "My Three Hundred Pound Facemaster"


Edited to make the rhyme better :)


Had to delete, because I love you. :)

I'm emptying my blog of all incriminating things. So that I can feel free to talk about it without being all "OH SHIT, now they'll see that thing that I don't want them to see...
it looks like blue diamonds

or sapphires.

but squishy.

I adore it.

I'm having one every single day.

I'm eating it. It's so cool.

All the other kids stare cause they're jealous.

I'm in a corner. Like cool people, whuuut!!1!11!!!

I am sitting in a corner. Eating a sandwich, out of my wrapper, because I'd rather be thought a germaphobe than a gross hand-eater. And I feel really silly.


Because, I'm at university, and everyone else is either doing similar things, or sleeping.

I'm going to throw out my nasty, cheesy, drooly saranwrap now...

Haha, I wrote that, then I did it, then I felt like I loser again. I wish it wouldn't be weird for me to laugh out loud. It's okay when you're with other people, even if they're not talking about anything funny, but when you're by yourself, it's quite odd to laugh randomlike.

Yay! Tallie signed on msn so I'm not a freak.

Except she's failing at talking to me. YAY. She's responding again.

I think it will allllll be okay. I have FORTY FIVE minutes left to eat three cookies. But I'm quite thirsty.

I'm scoping around for a drink dispenser type thing, but there seems to be little liquids in my general area.

If this goes on for too long.... I'll have to use my razor sharp claws to rip open the sleeping people's bladders, to drink their urine, and finally satiate my thirst.

But that's just a last resort.

New Hair

Yeah, so I got it cut like... a month(?) ago. And I planned to post a pic, but then I didn't...

So I am today!

A pic of my new faaaahbulous hair. Except. Cough.

Aren't I loversly?