Today's A Lemon Day.

Congrat's all, it's me again. Terra, bitch.
Life is hating me again. The only good thing about my day was that I may have gotten lovely aviator sunglasses, that are super duper epic. Ooh. Picture app....

Wow. that's weird.

Because I love you all.

In fact. I feel like getting married. Anyone up for it?

Uh oh. My badassbritneyspears song ended.
So I'm not nearly as hardcore right now.

Sooo fail.

-Changes song-

Thank goodness and all that jazz for Cobra Starship, who I can never quite stop worshipping.

So. Everyone's hating on me today. Not just one, or even two people. More like five.
Far too many for my own sanity.

In fact.

I might go off and be insane, and not in a cool way. More like a, spoon licking, over using of the tear ducts, hand glued to a remote control type of insane.

I'm practically just living from day to day. It's not that much fun. But the future is dark, ominous, and empty.
Not so much fun to focus on.
Sadly, when it gets to this point of depression, I cheer myself up by saying "You'll see him tomorrow."
I might. I'm sad.
Phoning people is distressing.
But I might do it anyways.

Computer isn't personal, it's all business.

Now I go, still an epic fail, still depressed, and still hated by all the people that matter.
Sooo.... Fuck my life.

At least my sunglasses are cool.
And I might see him tomorrow...
(Oh god, I'm pathetic)

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