
Hello, my name is Annie Bradley, and I live in a two story home, with two bathrooms and a luxurious front sitting room. I eat out every third day, to meet my husband, who works too much. I have a cat, named Kitty, and a dog named Bark, who have a war going on over the territory of the only easy chair in the house. I don't like spiders, and I have to take pills to make me sleep at night, and more to make me smile in the morning. 
And I have two and a half kids. I had a lovely daughter, and then twin boys shortly after. While I was busy in the bathroom with a tricky wax strip, my daughter was cut in half due to a freak accident involving a bandsaw and eleven clowns. (How many clowns does it take to cut a child in half? Apparently, eleven.) 
They apologized profusely, and I got a check from the government, enough for surgery to save her life. But my daughter is, and always will be, crippled.
I understand this is a common event, as the latest statistics show, and I want to put it to a stop. Please donate to my foundation I have created, Two Arms - Two Legs - One Heart. Pamphlets are available at all amputee wards at local hospitals, and all hardwood stores.
Take you're child's ability to be an integer seriously, it doesn't take much to turn them into another fraction.

I need to sleep.

Oh, and my soul mate/writing buddy? Go to her blog too :) 
Maggie. I told you I'm starting a trend.

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