The Long Awaited Explination

Okay,  I have decided to tell the story behind this blog. It is called Maple Syrup, 'cause I'm so sweet. And because I'm Canadian. Which automatically makes everything I write quaint, and not worth much. But I've decided to be proud of it. So, hurrah for Canadian stereotypes. They're not so bad anyways, eh?
So, I am writing this, because I only have a few people I actually talk with on a regular basis,but they all have lives. So my thoughts start to swell and build up inside of me, until I can't handle it anymore. I normally blurt it all out ineloquently in a text message, and that is just a total waste of life. I figured I could write whatever I wanted, almost whenever I wanted if I got a blog. And I already had a google account, so it all worked out. 
So it doesn't really matter if anyone reads this, because I'm just killing time, talking to myself. That's also why there wont be a lot of description of me, because I already know myself, pretty good in my humble opinion. 
Oh my gosh! It's quite late, and I still haven't done my homework. At least I practiced my guitar...
Once more, I shall go, without a proper post finished.

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