Triple Triple...

Vanilla coffee is very satisfying. Especially with the foamy layer on top. Then it is better than a new box of pencils, or finding out a perfectly orchestrated revenge plan against your enemy who used to be a friend but ditched you for prom. But that's beside the point.
I think everyone should go take a break from whatever it is that they're doing, to go get a vanilla coffee. It solves all problems, metaphysically speaking. But not really, because, actually, I don't even know what metaphysical means.
Life is being particularly better than normal today. School's out early, and everything is less stressful with an extra hour to sit down, and, for example, have delicious and warm coffee.
I suppose I should explain this blog, and perhaps myself, but I think I might do that later. I have a book to read, and a test to study for, and a guitar to practice, and a worksheet to fill in. Oh, the cruelties that civilization brings with it's privileges.
(I have this epic plan for a way to spend the rest of my life escaping the rules of society, but it's a secret right now, so I can't tell you.)
I'm pretending that I'm talking to someone, but I'm pretty sure nobody is going to ever read any of this.  If you do, tell me, and then one of my life's goals will be complete: writing a successful blog.
Successful is a very loose term in that statement.
My guitar, which is named Jackson for reasons I can't explain, is calling me. It's thin, musical voice is floating down the stairs, and I know I have the obligation to practice. Sadly, I have nothing to lament about today so far, so my guitar playing will be less emotionally satisfying than usual. Oh, lookie here. My guitar has miraculously appeared beside me. 
Either he grew legs, and walked down, or I forgot to put him away yesterday.
I personally like the first option. It would save me a lot of walking up and down stairs. Sadly, I see no evidence of legs, as the case is still intact. And the case couldn't have grown legs, and then retracted them; that's just silly.
I will vanish in four seconds, just like Houdini. You'll have to read the countdown fairly slowly to give me enough time to leave though.
I told you I'd be gone.

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