oh, sweetums

So, here I am, at school. Again. GOSH, WHY AM I HERE? This place sucks so much, I can't wait to escape.
Sigh. Mother. Father. Trying to remember why I haven't dropped out before today. But I'm dropping out. According to my parents, I still have to go to class for the remainder of the semester though.
And next year, who knows. I was looking at a culinary institute, which would be over $40,000 for two years, money that I really do not have. So, I'm looking at my other options. A local college has baking and pastry arts, my absolute love. But it would mean for me to quit my job, which I love, in order to work for something applicable. Pizza doesn't count as pastry, sadly.
And the college also has an extensive creative writing program, which would make my life very much complete.

Oh, this is so hard.

I'll just have to talk to my parents about that.

Seriously, I could take a course called "Advanced Puff Doughs". I have no idea what that means, but it's epic. Or one titled "Appetizers and Hor d'oeuvers"
Can you imagine taking something called "Cake Decorating 101"?! It's like, heaven.

"Egg and Breakfast Making"?!?! Okay, well I wouldn't take that, because I don't like eggs. Wait. Unless they teach you how to make waffles. Then, maybe.

Okay, must stop rambling about this.

"Easter Breads"?! I don't know what an easter bread is, but it sounds fab! I will make you all easter bread, and sew little bonnets for them. It'll be like my homemade CD cases, entirely epic.

Haha. I'm not cool.

"Glorious Pies And Tarts"?!?!?!

No ways.

Okay, I'll be quiet now.

1 Response to "oh, sweetums"

  1. Kate Says:

    Culinary arts are massive cool. ALL that at this one college? Sounds like a bombing epic place to go. Hopefully your parents go in for it. Convincing them if they don't can be sad-making.

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