today is a warm grape soda type of day

So, lets be funny today, shall we?

Well, I'm not sure if I can, as my funny bone (hah hah.) is rusty (not funny/slightly gross) but I'll try.

(every time I say the word try, I want to follow it by saying "Do or do not, there is no try" in a Yoda voice. Cool?)

So, as many of you are wondering, a warm grape soda day is like, a very messed up one.

It starts out surprisingly sweet, then gets TOO sweet, then you swallow a fly, then you're gagging on the ground and people are ignoring you, and then you set it down and want to give up, but your parents say "you opened it and you finish it!" and so you try to sip it, and it makes you sick, so you chug back a bit, and then stagger around moaning as your mouth turns purple, and then you sip it a little more, trying to finish, and then you give up, and when no one's looking, you pour the last bit down the sink, splashing the dark purple dye onto your new white shirt, and then you sigh and set down the can, and just walk away, until your mom yells at you for leaving a can on the counter, and you have to deal with the stupid thing that you thought would be good, and then you throw it into the recycling bin with excessive force, and walk away satisfied that you showed that can who's boss. Then you spend the rest of the night applying Tide to Go on your shirt.


That is a metaphor for how my day has been/will be. UNDERSTAND ME.

On a nice and happy note: tomorrow is the last day of class!!



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