Easter is Magnificent in it's Many Colored Pastel Wonder

Got that epiiiiiiiiiiiic book with my coles gift card :) Shopping For Vintage. And everybody knows, or should know (you could be a self absorbed crazy person-- I'm not here to judge) that I love clothes. I love making them (although I suck) and wearing them oddly (which I need to do more often) and just looking at their glory online or window shopping. Yes, I do know my designers. I actually can tell the difference between Dolce and Versace. I better freaking get a Tiffany wedding ring. And vintage? That's like the best thing there is.
This book... it's going to change my world.
In the back, it lists EVERY country in the world (excluding odd third world ones- no one wants to shop there) and EVERY amazing little vintage boutique there. Sigh. There are five near where I live, and I want to go so desperately. I'm really into coats from the 30's right now. I wouldn't be able to pull one off right now, but I will be able to eventually, probably :) Hopefully. Please?

So, lets go?

My parents had some very rich people over at our house yesterday. I'm talking millionaires here. And after I came back from chinatown, I had to go change into a skirt and sit up straight and eat nicely and be gracious and pronounce things correctly. It was bizarre. It's always bizarre. But, they said that in all the countries they've visited-- and they've seen a lot-- I could be dropped in the streets of France, and I would fit in perfectly.
Everyone says I look French. But I'm not. And I don't think I look French. I look different, because I have weird coloring. But French? I dunno.

Anyways. Gotta work on my homework. Fails.


1 Response to "Easter is Magnificent in it's Many Colored Pastel Wonder"

  1. Natalie Says:

    take me with you to chinatown, you need some natives with you to speak the language ;).

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